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3.6.8 Switch Statements

by 정구지개발자 2023. 4. 14.
  • A switch statement provides a multiway branching capability based on the value of an integer index.
  • They are particularly useful when dealing with tests where there can be a large number of possible outcomes.
  • The advantage of using a jump table over a long sequence of if-else statements is that the time taken to perform the switch is independent of the number of switch cases.
  • The array jt contains seven entries, each of which is the address of a block of code. These locations are defined by labels in the code and indicated in the entries in jt by code pointers, consisting of the labels prefixed by &&.

  • Examining all of this code requires careful study, but the key point is to see that the use of a jump table allows a very efficient way to implement a multiway branch

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