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2.2.5 Signed versus Unsigned in C

by 정구지개발자 2023. 4. 4.
  • Generally, most numbers are signed by default. For example, when declaring a constant such as 12345 or 0x1A2B, the value is considered signed. Adding character ‘U’ or ‘u’ as a suffix creates an unsigned constant; for example, 12345U or 0x1A2Bu.
  • When printing numeric values with printf, the directives %d, %u, and %x are used to print a number as a signed decimal, an unsigned decimal, and in hexadecimal format, respectively. Note that printf does not make use of any type information, and so it is possible to print a value of type int with directive %u and a value of type unsigned with directive %d

  • when converting from short to unsigned, the program first changes the size and then the type.

  • That is, (unsigned) sx is equivalent to (unsigned) (int) sx, evaluating to 4,294,954,951, not (unsigned) (unsigned short) sx, which evaluates to 53,191. Indeed, this convention is required by the C standards.

2.2.7 Truncating Numbers

  • rather than extending a value with extra bits, we reduce the number of bits representing a number.

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