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3.8.3 Nested Arrays

by 정구지개발자 2023. 4. 19.
  • Data type row3_t is defined to be an array of three integers.


3.8.4 Fixed-Size Arrays

  • This code contains a number of clever optimizations. It removes the integer index j and converts all array references to pointer dereferences.
  • This involves (1) generating a pointer, which we have named Aptr, that points to successive elements in row i of A,

    (2) generating a pointer, which we have named Bptr, that points to successive elements in column k of B,

    (3) generating a pointer, which we have named Bend, that equals the value Bptr will have when it is time to terminate the loop.



3.9 Heterogeneous Data Structures

3.9.1 Structures

  • The C struct declaration creates a data type that groups objects of possibly different types into a single object.



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