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5.3 Program Example

by 정구지개발자 2023. 5. 16.


  • The declaration uses data_t to designate the data type of the underlying elements.
  • We allocate the data array block to store the vector elements as an array of len objects of type data_t.




  • An important feature to note is that get_vec_element, the vector access routine, performs bounds checking for every vector reference





5.4 Eliminating Loop Inefficiencies



  • This optimization is an instance of a general class of optimizations known as code motion
  • Figure 5.5 와 Figure 5.6 의 차이는 loop속에 vec_length함수가 들어가서 loop가 돌떄마다 함수를 계속 호출하냐 안하냐 차이
  • To improve the code, the programmer must often help the compiler by explicitly performing code motion.




  • Function lower2 shown in Figure 5.7 is identical to that of lower1, except that we have moved the call to strlen out of the loop.
  • In an ideal world, a compiler would recognize that each call to strlen in the loop test will return the same result, and thus the call could be moved out of the loop.

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