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5.7 Understanding Modern Processors

by 정구지개발자 2023. 5. 17.
  • As we seek to push the performance further, we must consider optimizations that exploit the microarchitecture of the processor—that is, the underlying system design by which a processor executes instructions.
  • We will find that two different lower bounds characterize the maximum performance of a program
  • The latency bound is encountered when a series of operations must be performed in strict sequence, because the result of one operation is required before the next one can begin.
  • The throughput bound characterizes the raw computing capacity of the processor’s functional units. This bound becomes the ultimate limit on program performance.


5.7.1 Overall Operation



  • The overall design has two main parts: the instruction control unit (ICU), which is responsible for reading a sequence of instructions from memory and generating from these a set of primitive operations to perform on program data
  • the execution unit (EU), which then executes these operations. Compared to the simple in-order pipeline we studied in Chap- ter 4, out-of-order processors require far greater and more complex hardware, but they are better at achieving higher degrees of instruction-level parallelism.
  • The ICU reads the instructions from an instruction cache—a special high- speed memory containing the most recently accessed instructions
  • the ICU fetches well ahead of the currently executing instructions, so that it has enough time to decode these and send operations down to the EU.
  • The EU receives operations from the instruction fetch unit




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