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5.7.2 Functional Unit Performance

by 정구지개발자 2023. 5. 18.


  • These timings are typical for other proces- sors as well.
  • Each operation is characterized by its latency, meaning the total time required to perform the operation
  • the issue time, meaning the minimum number of clock cycles between two independent operations of the same type
  • the capacity, indicating the number of functional units capable of performing that operation.
  • This short issue time is achieved through the use of pipelining.
  • What this means is that the divider must perform a complete division before it can begin a new one.
  • Having multiple functional units can increase throughput even further.


5.7.3 An Abstract Model of Processor Operation


  • As a tool for analyzing the performance of a machine-level program executing on a modern processor, we will use a data-flow representation of programs, a graphical notation showing how the data dependencies between the different operations constrain the order in which they are executed.

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